Sunday, August 8, 2010


Obligation: Check
Exploration: Check
Initiation: Check
All that's left to do is Adventure-ation!!!!!!
After my successful Initiation yesterday with the garage sale, I decided that it was time to continue on with my adventure. So today I went to an antique faire! It was the monthly antique faire here in Sactown, and I will admit that this is my second time going to it. But it's different every time so I thought that constituted as a new adventure.
I ended up buying two things, but now that I look back on it, I actually regret buying them. It was just one of those instances where I had money in my pocket (from the yardsale) and I was surrounded by stuff! Stuff that I could buy! Darn you stuff! It's not as if my purchases were ripoffs, or are completely useless. It's just, I could definitely use that money to buy other stuff that I would enjoy more. For instance, I bought a WWJD ring. And I love Jesus and all, don't get me wrong, but I don't even go to church... I don't even know why I bought it really. I also bought a hat. My issue with the hat is that it's fairly hideous on me. My only mirror was a car window a couple feet away, and from there it looked awesome! Now that I see it in a real mirror, not so much. But whatever, it's only money right? HAHA.
I am glad I got out and adventure-ationed. Also I got to hang out with my cool bff J. Glick. And she's going to attempt the Constitution with me! Tomorrow: Pokerap!
On another note... I MISS TV!

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